When a conman discovers his son is abducted, he is forced to drive the streets of Sydney completing an escalating series of trials to appease the kidna...详情 >
Adam, a cocky MMA fighter, wins a fight using dirty tactics and then when challenged outside the Cage, unintentionally injures his opponent, Johan, in ...详情 >
Adam, a cocky MMA fighter, wins a fight using dirty tactics and then when challenged outside the Cage, unintentionally injures his opponent, Johan, in ...详情 >
Young boy with autism causes of hardships for his old parents, as his father isn`t accepting the fact that he is different from the rest while his moth...详情 >
Akil (KIL), a quiet and depressed young man sees suicide as an solution though he never succeeds in pulling it off. A chance encounter brings him face ...详情 >
A leisurely picnic takes a tragic turn when Ramlah sees a mysterious figure abducts her son and disappears. Shortly after, she begins encountering unex...详情 >